How Are Business Actually Using YouTube

How Are Business Actually Using YouTube

If  you’re interested in leveraging the power of YouTube to increase your brand awareness, your turnover or your profits, how would you go about it? Or perhaps a better question to ask is: how are other businesses and entrepreneurs already using YouTube?

There are a few different strategies you can use and that other companies are already taking advantage of. Here are a few that you can use…

Building a Personal Brand

Content marketing essentially means filling your website with engaging content that will bring visitors to it. Generally, the phrase ‘content marketing’ is used to describe blog posts and other written content.

This has the benefit of allowing you to provide entertainment, information and all-round value to your visitors, while at the same time letting you communicate with your audience and position yourself as an authority in your niche/industry. This way, you can gain followers and fans and future attempts at selling to them will likely be more effective.

But content marketing doesn’t have to mean just articles. In fact, if you look at some of the biggest blogs and websites on the net such as IGN,, The Verge, Engadget etc., then you will see that they upload regular content to their YouTube channel to go alongside their written articles and reviews.

This helps to give them access to a much wider audience, provides options for their most loyal followers and elevates the quality of their production above smaller websites.


Videos on YouTube can also work simply as adverts. You can use these along with YouTube’s advertising program to show them to followers of other brands or you can simply upload them and then embed them in your content, your social media and anywhere else where they might get seen.

Having videos on YouTube creates the possibility as well for your content to go viral, which means that it will be shared and spread by other users and potentially get seen by hundreds of thousands or even millions of users.

One of the very best examples of this is the Old Spice advert. This advert was a hit on television but it was really thanks to its presence on the web that it blew up in such an extreme manner and got seen by so many people.

Another good example is the advert that Tim Ferriss made for his ‘4 Hour Body’ book and which he credits with being responsible for much of that book’s success.

You can find the most sought video to advertise on and the most popular channels in your niche through this software. You can then narrow your search down finding only the hottest audience selecting the videos with the right amounts of views, likes, dislikes and even the ratio of which views like the video. Then save the hottest audience selecting videos….Take your search results from and create your targeting campaign. Add your Video Ad, Your YouTube video and then select the audience you want to target. Export then Import into YouTube to activate your new ad.

Viral Videos

In other cases, videos created by businesses are designed specifically to go viral and to support social marketing campaigns. You can see examples of this when you look at any number of large brands on YouTube. CocaCola, Nike and Red Bull being great examples.

Extra Value

Companies can also use YouTube to provide their customers and clients with extra value. This way, they might use the platform to provide tutorials, interviews and additional content and thereby to enhance the product or service they’re offering.

YouTube videos can also introduce and explain ideas and talk users through the role that products or services have. This can all be very helpful for the buyer but at the same time provides a new in-road that users can use to learn about the product. You might think of this like a ‘whitepaper’.

Marketing Materials

Another common use that businesses have for YouTube videos is to use them as part of a larger marketing strategy. For instance, videos can be used in pop-ups on your website to try and encourage new subscribers to buy your products or join your list, or they can be used in Facebook adverts. Likewise, they’ll often be added to the top of landing pages selling e-books, courses and software.

Landing pages are those long, narrow sites that tell you how ‘one e-book can change your life’ and have lots of ‘buy now buttons’. The video at the top here will often read out the script on the page, or will use another script to try and engage visitors more effectively and convince them to buy. These videos can go a long way to increasing conversion rates and leads.

In these cases, the YouTube video is not the ‘focus’ of the marketing but has been used alongside other forms of marketing to enhance its effectiveness.




A quick note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate marketer, reviewing some vendor’s products. The venders of these products gave me free of charge for me to test them. However, all my reviews are done as honestly as possible and I am not making any commitment to the vendor before doing my reviews. If you click on the link on this website to take you to the paid product, this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to purchase that product.