Soci Hub

Soci Hub is a brand new Social Media SaaS platform. This cloud software will allow you to take control of 6 of the top Social Media platforms all in one place. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube & Pinterest all in one easy to use dashboard. Add to that our scheduling feature, that will allow any amount of posts to be scheduled across your accounts.

About The Creator of Soci Hub

This software was created by Paul Okeeffe, Chris Jenkins and Richard Fairbairm.  They all have good affiliate marketing experience. you may find their previous promo records for other affiliate marketing Gurus from these screenshots.( screenshot1screenshot2screenshot3 and screenshot4 etc.)


To See How it works

My Review of Soci Hub

To do a review of this software, I created a brand new website in the end of Jan. (as you see below, no traffic before my trial), followed the demo video of Soci Hub dashboard and set up a Facebook API step by step , then did a trial of this software during the period from Feb. 13rd to 22nd, I just used facebook as my traffic test platform, posted a link page to 9 facebook group pages (start by posting to my own page and check if the content, image is ok )with intervals 15~20 minutes(easy to setting by Soci Hub), twice a day (not every day).  The result you may find that pageviews increased suddenly, andI make sure this software could easily attract traffic in short time, and of course, If  the content you posted is value-added. Some people like and share your article. It will largely enhance the effect of “Viral Marketing”.


Now(March 9th) I check the record, as you see, unique visters up to 459, box impressions 16393. please consider that the website I used to test is completely ZERO traffic in the begining. If I continue using Socihub, post to more than 9 group pages and with more valueable content inside the webpage,  it will attract much more traffic.

Something you should know…

So what is my conclusion? My opinion is that this social media management tool can attract traffic immediately. If you want consistantly manage your online business. You must continue adding value to your website. your potential customers not just one time browsing your website, but also engage you and become your customers at last.  if you post No value-added content to other group pages. It will just like spreading Spam letter. and the last you shall be careful about the rules of Social Media platform, like facebook , if you post too much (some people said more than 3o pages one time) or the interval of posting too short, or even add too many groups in a short time(unresonable! Facebook Admin think that you are ready to Spam ) will ignite the notice of  Facebook admin.

Soci Hub is the one stop shop for creating viral traffic from all the top social media plstforms, easy to use & simple to utilise all the networks without leaving any of the top ones out. its main features of auto-pilot posting , and multiple svheduling web application gives you complete control over your social media marketing. Besides, It’s one of  Richard’s best seller products with extremely low refund rate (below 7% one month later after launch date ).  I highly recommend this product for you.


「get Instant access」的圖片搜尋結果

If you are still on the fence. Richard also offers me a 30-day free trial  for my friends. Please

Click Here
50% Complete
Get Your SociHub 30 days Free TRIAL
Market To All Your Social Media Accounts from one location. Don't Ever Lose Social Media Network Traffic Again
  (Zero Money to be paid in advance)


A quick note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate marketer, reviewing some vendor’s products. The venders of these products gave me free of charge for me to test them. However, all my reviews are done as honestly as possible and I am not making any commitment to the vendor before doing my reviews. If you click on the link on this website to take you to the paid product, this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to purchase that product.