
WP Coursify

With the Coursify, you’ll be able to create a Udemy like Marketplace for online courses. Take a bite of the big $51 BILLION e-learning industry. Create an Evergreen business for yourself, Developer Right, Resell Right are available

Sell Unlimited Courses made by Others

You can let other course creators sign up and sell unlimited courses from YOUR website – make money from content/courses created by other instructors.

So – if you want an online business that makes REAL MONEY…

Publishing Online Courses is the PERFECT space to be in.

[+] Big Market – huge global audience.

[+] Publish once, sell forever.

[+] Passive Income – set & forget.

[+] Evergreen business, publish & sell new courses every month.

The fact is…

You can easily publish courses with a simple laptop and put it all together in a couple days.

You don’t even need to be an expert – you just need to know something that a lot of people want to learn. That’s it.

Don’t have any courses, no problem, you can buy PLR (private label rights) to courses real cheap and build your online education empire.

But there are a few problems when dealing with these education marketplaces that let you publish & sell courses…

[-] You are just a vendor there, you have very little control.

[-] The marketplace can take up to 75% of your income as FEES.

[-] Hidden fees like transaction charges, lots of limitations.

[-] You may not own your students (no access to customer list)

[-] You are building someone else’s business (can never sell it off)

[-] You can get banned/kicked out anytime and lose everything.

That’s why we decided to create something that would solve all these problems.

A product that will let you launch on your own site – give you full control and

let you keep 100% of the PROFITS that you generate.

A product that will…

[+] Launch a Udemy like site for your online courses in just 2 minutes.

[+] Add Unlimited Students, charge any amount/price you want.

[+] Let you add 10, 20, 50 or even a 100 courses easily.

[+] Fully customizable – payment option integrated, everything you need.

[+] Build a profitable online business for you.

Yes – Now you can have YOUR OWN education portal to publish & sell online courses that earns you PASSIVE INCOME is what we created for you…

There are Multi Options  For  You >>

WP Coursify – Unlimited Sites License

WP Coursify PRO – Unlimited Sites License

WP Coursify – DEVELOPERS License for Unlimited Sites

WP Coursify 5 THEMES – Unlimited Sites License

WP Coursify – UNLIMITED Reseller License

WP Coursify – PREMIUM Course to SELL – Unlimited License

WP Coursify – PREMIUM Course to SELL – Monthly


A quick note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate marketer, reviewing some vendor’s products. The venders of these products gave me free of charge for me to test them. However, all my reviews are done as honestly as possible and I am not making any commitment to the vendor before doing my reviews. If you click on the link on this website to take you to the paid product, this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to purchase that product.