
Now there is finally a way for anyone, even non-technical people, to profit from videos online. …without the need to pay high prices and recurring fees for bloated software with lousy service that doesn’t even integrate with your email service or social media platforms.

Tired of Struggling to Build a List and Make Sales?


The Proof Is In The Results!

VidLock is a premium WP plugin that allows you to ask for an opt-in, like, share or $$ in exchange for access to your videos

  • Build your list on autopilot

  • Drag&drop technology

  • Premium video curation built-in

  • Affiliate marketing on autopilot with Amazon integration



See How Easy It Is to Profit:


One that would be personal to every user and work in every niche, allowing you to build and monetize and authority video sites within minutes and curate its content for life.
VidLock is THE ALL-IN-ONE Video Profit Machine!

All packed in the most incredibly user-friendly interface:


The world’s best solution for unlocking profits from your videos.

“VidLock is the easiest way for me to monetize my existing videos: in fact, I’ve been able to add over 2,000 leads to my list during my latest software release due to the power of VidLock.”

Rahil Ahmed – Software Developer


“I’ve never seen a product as good as VidLock. When I first time login into the members area, it blew me away! I can easily post unique, high quality videos in no time & setup a truly profitable campaign by using the built-in opt-in forms and Amazon affiliate offers. It’s a must have for all serious online marketers!”

Daniel Adetunji – Expert Marketer

Just think about it for a second:


  • NO NEED to pay for expensive content every month that looks “fresh” to Google
  • NO NEED to have 100 different plugins that do small pieces of the puzzle
  • NO NEED to check your rankings every day – with hundreds of videos you’ll rank ORGANICALLY

… And build your list and sell more products at the same time!

Videos are the BEST way to get traffic to ANY website…

The Problem:

MOST people will watch your video and then leave your website FOREVER.

You spend all that time creating content, building websites, and setting up products and affiliates links, but you don’t make any sales…


Now that problem is SOLVED.


How do you get people to watch your videos and opt-in before they leave your website?

People’s attention spans are shorter than ever.

Most people don’t take the time to read long articles any more.

They don’t want to read your bio and 10 pages of sales text.

They don’t want to click your buttons and fill out information.

They want to watch your video and make a decisionFAST.


Video traffic represents more than 100 million people per day in the United States alone.

If you’re not driving traffic with videos, then you are still doing things the old, inefficient, unprofitable way.


You are missing out on the new internet GOLDMINE!

If you are driving traffic to your sites with videos, thenGOOD.  But you are missing one HUGELY important thing.

People want free stuff, and when they are watching videos online, they are not buying.  They just watch your video and move on to the next video somewhere else.

It’s called Video Paralysis.


They watch video after video without taking any action.

They don’t stop.  They can’t stop.

They just want to keep watching more videos.

One finishes, and they’re on to the next videoautomatically.

You know you’ve experienced this on Youtube or Facebook.  You literally cannot stop going from one video to the next.

Even if you LIKE the video, you forget to take any action because you’re already on to the next shiny object.


Facebook and Youtube know this, and they keep it going.


Video Paralysis is GOOD for Facebook and YouTube, but TERRIBLE for the rest of us!

There is no way to keep people from leaving your site (unless you want to bother them with pop-ups that everyone hates).

There is no good solution.


Unlocking Profits with VidLock

VidLock is THE ANSWER!

The world’s best solution for unlocking profits from your videos.

A quick note about the reviews on this site: I am an affiliate marketer, reviewing some vendor’s products. The venders of these products gave me free of charge for me to test them. However, all my reviews are done as honestly as possible and I am not making any commitment to the vendor before doing my reviews. If you click on the link on this website to take you to the paid product, this link will be an affiliate link and I will be paid a percentage of the sales price should you decide to purchase that product.